For week 4, we were asked to come up with an application for phones. As I sat in class, thinking of what I could come up with, I looked over to see my keys laying on the desk with my phone and wallet next to them. Then it struck me, what if there was an app to where if you lost either one of them, you could use the other to track it down via GPS or some sort of audio tone, that with a small chip, you could insert into said wallet/keys/phone.
Once I looked into it, I found that there is indeed an app for this and it is called the cobra tag. “The first part of the system is the Cobra Tag sensor, a small electronic dongle that can be attached to a keychain, purse, backpack, or other valuable item that you'd like to keep track of. The second part is the Cobra Tag app for Android or BlackBerry devices that allows your smartphone to communicate with the Cobra Tag hardware via Bluetooth connection”
The cool thing about this product is that the small tags are bi-directional. So lets say, you lose you phone in your house (like I’m sure everyone here has done more then a dozen times, only to find it hidden in a couch or under a bed, or maybe in a pile of laundry, only after spending a good hour or two looking for it), and how would you be able to track it down since the app is on the phone? You would use; for example, your keys, which have a tag on it. Press the tag, and it would send a signal to your phone, which would activate your phones application to start playing the audio tone embedded into it.