Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Week 1 EOC. - Great customer service

For us, we’re willing to lose that sale, that transaction in the short term. We’re focused on building the lifelong loyalty and relationship with the customer.” (Armstrong & Kotler (2011) Marketing : An Introduction, page 4)

Which I believe is a smart strategy. Lets say you own a custom clothing retail shop, whose clients consist mainly of upper-middle class shoppers, and lets say that your return policy had nearly no limit; because, you want to keep those “upper-middle class” customers happy. As long as they bring back the equipment with the receipt and or price tag that they received with their purchase, is within the given timeline; usually, (60-90 days), and is not completely destroyed; consequently, your company will accept the return, and or replace the piece of equipment, because you want to keep that high-end shopper, shopping at your store! What is a $200 return, when that given customer is potentially worth thousands, if not tens of thousands every year?

Great customer support will in return bring your company Great customers! Perhaps the oldest rule of successful marketing, “it takes money to make money” (Unknown).

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